Today, I'm honored to welcome USA Today bestselling author AD Justice, Amy Briggs, LeTeisha Newton, N. Kuhn, Solease M. Barner and Stacey Lynn to my Kindle World, THE FIDELITY WORLD!
With our first NINE stories...we now have 15 stories in our world.
Did you love my Infidelity series? Nox and Charli? Oren and Adelaide? Alton? Bryce? Chelsea? Patrick? Jane? Isaac? and so many more?
Well, with THE FIDELITY WORLD the stories don't need to end....each TFW story is a stand-alone (with the exception of Devious which is tbc) that is connected to MY world. They are not connected to each other.
You may chose one or fifteen...have fun...see where these talented authors take my world!
Now, let me introduce you to our new stories:
AD Justice - ENVY
"I was sucked into this steamy and thought provoking story of ENVY and how that emotion is not limited to those without...those who are perceived as having everything, often feel it too. Sexy, fun, heartbreaking, and redeeming. Envy has it all! A great addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD. 5 bright stars. A fantastic addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD." ~ Aleatha Romig, NY Times bestselling author of the Infidelity series.
"Revelation- when two people are given a second chance. I was entranced in Lucy and Ryder's lives and past from the beginning. I'd love to know more about them. This was a great taste of how they were meant to be together. While this is a complete story, I'd love more. Five stars and a fun addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD!" ~ Aleatha Romig, NY Times bestselling author of the Infidelity series.
LeTeisha Newton - COLLARED
"LeTeisha Newton takes the company Infidelity to a whole new level with this dark romance twist. I thoroughly enjoyed this different parring in the business of Infidelity we've all learned to love. Rebecca is dealing with great loss. At the advice of a friend, she explores her submissive side and an Infidelity contract. Can two people in pain find what they need in this different kind of relationship? Wonderful addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD- 5 STARS. " ~ Aleatha Romig, NY Times bestselling author of The Infidelity Series.
Solease M. Barner - DEVIOUS
"Devious brings us back into the family of the Demetris, through the less known member, Silvia. Much more than the manager of the house in Rye, I adored Solease's take on what is important to Silvia Demetri and why. This steamy, suspenseful story had me turning pages as fast as I could. I can't wait for more. 5 STARS. Perfect addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD. " ~ Aleatha Romig, NY Times bestselling author of The Infidelity series.
Stacey Lynn - CAPTIVATE
"Captivate....and it did! I told Stacey that I'm not a big fan of rock star romances, but between her and AL Jackson, my mind has been changed. The connection to my series, affected me more than I can say. The sins of one man...but on to Captivate. Beautiful. Honest. Touching. Real. Five beautiful stars and a welcomed addition to THE FIDELITY WORLD." ~ Aleatha Romig, NY Times bestselling author of the Infidelity series.
This story wasn't available for me to read prior to release.
For links to ALL THE FIDELITY WORLD order by author's last name....go to my landing page.